Thursday, July 31, 2008

yer dum

I always put my camera in my pocket or purse before I leave home...except today. I was too focused on the short stack I was going to have for breakfast after I picked up my date from RJ Sports. Later, on my way down Central Entrance I spied an armada of sail boats and tall ships out in the harbor.....then I remembered...oh yeah, today is THE DAY! I was so disgusted with myself for not grabbing my camera this morning...I even tried to capture the scene with my phone...forget it. I borrowed his photo from flickr.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I was telling Mary how thrilled (it doesn't take much) I was to finally find Walnut chocolate chip cookie mix. I took the tube out of the fridge and she goes "It says oatmeal chocolate chip cookies".
She thinks maybe I dreamed the walnuts ...I can only hope so.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Naturally, I need special socks to celebrate our country's independence. So I spend a few minutes finding the most suitable style in my size, put them in my cart, take them home, next day I notice...

kids socks.